Town of St. Albans, VT

So many Vermonters need help at this time. So many more Vermonters are willing and asking how they can help.

The following information is to outline how to use the Green Up Vermont app as a place to connect volunteers to those in need and a quick way to communicate needs through the app and our cell phones. We encourage each town to set up a team and invite volunteers to also join the app. Group messages can be sent and updated within your team easily like a group chat. The team will also allow you to “know” who is on your volunteer list in your town and surrounding area. 

Here is how to make it happen:

  1. Download the app on your apple or android phone by searching for GreenUpVermont in the app stores or using the links below:

     Google Play:


  1. Create an account.
  2. Start a team. Use E-CleanUp your town

    Example: E-CleanUp Moretown

  1. Fill in generic starting information - this directive can change in the messaging part of the app so don’t be worried about exact dates, times etc.
  2. Hit save. Your team will appear on the app Home Screen as an image with team name underneath. 
  3. Click on the image of your team. At the top you will see “Details” and “Members” click on “members"
  4. Invite your circle of friends who want to volunteer and those who need help. 

    You can also share on FPF for people to email you if they would like to be part of the team, then use the following instructions.

  1. Click on invite and fill in the email and name of each person you are inviting. Click "invite to team” again to complete - a new blank form will pop up.
  2. Each invitee will be sent an email. 
  3. They will need to download the app and create an account to accept your invite.
  4. Once they do this you will be connected to team members 

Team members can ask for help or volunteer for help directly through the messaging system on the app. Like a big group text.

Within the team, anyone can send a message. Here's how:

  1.  On the app Home Screen look for the speech bubbles at the bottom and select. 
  2. You will see “NEW MESSAGE” at the top - click that to create a new message. Your team name will appear there.
  3. Type details of clean up request, gathering place, time, needs etc. and click “send message”
  4. Anyone on the team can reply.

It seems like a lot but once in place it will be very easy to communicate. 

You can also contact Kate Alberghini, Executive Director at Green Up Vermont at 802-522-7245 for assistance. She can help with the app as well as use any contacts she knows of in your areas for support. 

Together we can rally support and help our neighbors. We will get through this together. 

Our most important task here is SAFTEY. Be aware of flood water currents and contamination. Wear protective gear when helping out.  Do not go into unsafe spaces. 

If your town or city has current protocols in place please defer to those. This is simply to provide an additional resource for communication for volunteers and those in need. Green Up Vermont is here to support all Vermonters and will do our best to help.

Additionally access for reporting and full safety guidance. 

This link takes you to Vermont Emergency Management: